Finding a Voice
Friday, June 30, 2006
finally a new post!
My personal blog has been rather dormant lately. I've been working on a blog about my grandpa: I've been busy with not one but two trips to Ontario for a Student Development conference and then for the Write! Canada conference, and in the middle of all that my grandpa died, I fought off a flu, I've been trying to find my feet again at work, and I am dealing with some unique on-going health challenges. Wonderful and strange summer so far.
Went to a doctor and naturopath this week for the first time in 3 years. The doctor ordered tests. The naturopath prescribed some supplements and is putting me on a strict "anti-candida diet" which means no sugar (including fruit), no white starchy foods, and no dairy (except maybe plain yogurt) for 2-3 months. Sigh. This is a terrible time of year to go off fruit! Even so, I've done the diet before (it's really a cleanse) and it made a big difference in my overall health -- and in my appearance. There are a surprising number of interesting foods to eat, but it's socially challenging because it's not what everybody else is eating. I might make some allowances on Sundays -- you know, feast days.
I'm looking forward to Free Methodist family camp at Arlington Beach where I will lead a small group on spiritual disciplines and where my cousin Marilou and I will lead worship together. Marilou said it gave her shivers thinking about leading worship with me. :-)
In the small group we'll have 5 sessions, 75 minutes each. Our sessions will explore Wesley's "means of grace" especially prayer, searching Scripture, the Lord's supper, fasting, and "Christian conference" (aka group fellowship), supplementing from Renovare materials (Richard Foster), Gary Thomas (Sacred Pathways) and others. We will explore one or two disciplines per day with teaching time, readings, and discussion, then each participant will choose one simple exercises to try for the next 24 hours. If the group is over 12 people, we will divide into smaller groups for more personal interaction. Participants will go home with an enriched perspective on and approach to devotional life, having experienced a variety ways to commune with God.
Thunder and lightning storm outside. I'm still at the office. Maybe I should go home before it rains ...
Went to a doctor and naturopath this week for the first time in 3 years. The doctor ordered tests. The naturopath prescribed some supplements and is putting me on a strict "anti-candida diet" which means no sugar (including fruit), no white starchy foods, and no dairy (except maybe plain yogurt) for 2-3 months. Sigh. This is a terrible time of year to go off fruit! Even so, I've done the diet before (it's really a cleanse) and it made a big difference in my overall health -- and in my appearance. There are a surprising number of interesting foods to eat, but it's socially challenging because it's not what everybody else is eating. I might make some allowances on Sundays -- you know, feast days.
I'm looking forward to Free Methodist family camp at Arlington Beach where I will lead a small group on spiritual disciplines and where my cousin Marilou and I will lead worship together. Marilou said it gave her shivers thinking about leading worship with me. :-)
In the small group we'll have 5 sessions, 75 minutes each. Our sessions will explore Wesley's "means of grace" especially prayer, searching Scripture, the Lord's supper, fasting, and "Christian conference" (aka group fellowship), supplementing from Renovare materials (Richard Foster), Gary Thomas (Sacred Pathways) and others. We will explore one or two disciplines per day with teaching time, readings, and discussion, then each participant will choose one simple exercises to try for the next 24 hours. If the group is over 12 people, we will divide into smaller groups for more personal interaction. Participants will go home with an enriched perspective on and approach to devotional life, having experienced a variety ways to commune with God.
Thunder and lightning storm outside. I'm still at the office. Maybe I should go home before it rains ...
posted by Colleen McCubbin at 11:16 PM

UPDATE: I came down with some nasty bug in the week before camp -- a flu or food poisoning or something. Anyhow, I went to bed on Wednesday evening and basically didn't get up until Sunday morning. I cancelled out of the small group -- which was disappointing but necessary -- and put everyone on alert about worship leading. Felt well enough to pack and drive on Sunday, though I think I overdid it and was absolutely exhausted on Monday morning, still regaining my strength after not eating for several days. But after a nap on Monday following lunch it felt like somebody flipped a switch and I was completely better. I'm sure some people were praying!
Had a good time leading worship with Marilou and attending the Financial Freedom small group in the mornings. Mom and Dad were able to come from Thursday through Sunday. Overall camp was a good time of reconnecing with old and new friends and family. On Saturday I participated in a 5K run/walk. I walked, of course, but it was good to challenge my body that way after being sick and basically a slug. :)
who is Lamb?
-Serena and Frieda
Hi Colleen, good to hear about your summer. Hope you are feeling better and your new diet isn't making you crazy...hopefully it will make you well again. Thanks for including us in your blog list! Alyson Jacobson
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