| Colleen Taylor | Genre: Singer/Songwriter | Secondary Genre: Folk |
Contact | ... a prairie soul with a heart for the world, working to make a difference through musical messages and fairly traded merchandise. Her music tells poignant stories, laments injustice, calls for change, and celebrates the gifts in life. | | |  |  | Artist Information | Instrumentation | Colleen Taylor - vocals, piano, guitar, and more ... | Biography | Colleen has always been musical (singing, playing several instruments, writing songs), yet music was a nice sideline, a hobby. She pursued a career in higher education, teaching English in Asia and teaching and administrating at Briercrest College & Seminary. In 2000 she recorded a CD of her own songs--just for posterity, as she thought she was going to China. In 2006 she quit her day job at Briercrest to finish an MA thesis and reorient towards a career in the arts. After a two-month music tour in September and October of 2007, doing house concerts in three western provinces and Ontario, she moved to Duval, SK to live with her brother Jeffrey, a professional potter & photographer, to help with his arts business and work on her own artistic pursuits.
Colleen's message is "SIng RElease TO NAtions." She sings and teaches about making a global difference, offering ways to do that. Instead of t-shirts she sells coffee, dried fruit, and natural sugar that have been traded fairly (www.levelground.com), with 50 percent of her own proceeds going to Servants Anonymous' Cups of Care program (www.safoundation.com) to help get their training materials online so they can help more women (and their children) escape the sex trade. | Discography | Good Storyline, 2000 (listen and purchase single songs or whole CD on www.indieheaven.com/artists/colleentaylor) | | |
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