Finding a Voice

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

"new" piano

I have been given a piano! Mason & Risch with a nice tone.


This piano had been sitting in the back storage area of the newspaper building in Nokomis. It was there when Lance & Vicki took over the paper and supposedly someone was going to pick it up, but they didn’t even know who to expect, so after a year of waiting, they said I could have it!


Held a “piano moving party” on Sunday. Invited quite a few people from church for lunch first. We ate fresh pizza & some leftover sausages & hamburgers from a Wednesday BBQ. Made some phone calls then waited and waited for someone to call from Nokomis. People didn’t seem to mind hanging around and visiting, but I didn’t want to keep them waiting too long. Finally we (me and the 5 guys) got to Nokomis around 3:20. There’s a garage door into the storage area at the newspaper, so Alvin was able to back his flatbed trailer right up. The piano is on good casters, so they just rolled it along the cement floor, up the ramp, and onto the trailer.  Alvin also some good straps & winches, and Steve had grabbed 2 of the futon cushions Jeff & I had slated for the dump, so the piano was quite secure.


At home the guys cleared off the cement pad in front of our house and Alvin backed the trailer right up to the steps – a most amazing maneuver! The piano is on really nice casters, so it was quite easy to move into the house, too. And it’s so much prettier than I realized seeing it covered in plastic, cardboard, and dust in a dimly list storage garage. Winona documented the whole process with her camera. I’ll post pictures when she gets them to me.


The guys stood around talking outside afterwards and the women played and sang inside until everyone was ready to go.


I am so grateful …


posted by Colleen McCubbin at 8:42 AM


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