Finding a Voice
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Seattle artist-in-residency

For the first time, the scent of cedar and saltwater did not raise homesickness in my heart.
I spent two weeks in the Pacific Northwest, mainly in Seattle via Vancouver. Friends Dave & Chelle Stearns had invited me to do music – concerts, writing, musing.
Yet, I suddenly realized that this is exactly what Dave & Chelle did for me. They were my patrons. They helped me travel across borders, housed me, fed me, fellowshipped with me, challenged and encouraged me to write and do it well. They introduced me to their community and provided venues for my artistry.
It’s like I was their artist-in-residence.
And it was fruitful. I wrote 2 new songs. One is a blessing for Dave & Chelle in their new home. The other is unlike anything I’ve written before: through-composed and based on a short story by Scottish writer George Mackay Brown about sermons on the wedding at Cana. Chelle had commissioned the song for her Biblical Theology class at Mars Hill Graduate School. I'm quite pleased with it, if I may say so! It feels like there's an entire song cycle to glean from the story.
The final concert on Monday afternoon was at Dave & Chelle’s place with several talented musicians and their children. Wonderful mix. Rich harmonies. Several stayed for supper.
On Tuesday, Chelle and I stayed in Vancouver, visiting with our friends Duffy and Sherry. The four of us attended Regent College together, where we received significant formation as women, Christians, and artists. Having journeyed far in the past few years, we took delight and comfort in each others’ presence on Tuesday.
Wednesday I came home – to Saskatchewan. To the wide-open prairie spaces where incessant, unseasonal rain just won’t let the farmers harvest the crops. I came home to the ordinary dailyness of living – going to a job, attending community meetings, cleaning and cooking at home, visiting friends, worshiping with my church. And I have a refreshed perspective and new confidence for my artistic vocation.

Dahlias purchased at Pike Place Market.

Hot chili peppers, Pike Place Market

The first books on the shelf in Chelle's shared office at Mars Hill Graduate School.

Dr. Michelle L. Stearns behind the desk in her shared office at Mars Hill Graduate School.

"Chariot of Fire" - the piano at CocoaNymph in Vancouver (10th & Alma). Yummy.

With my cousin Amy Caswell. She's a Regent student. We met up at CocoaNymph.

Outside my door at Dave & Chelle's house. They have SO MUCH ROSEMARY in their yard!

The kitchen/dining room in my temporary Seattle home.
Labels: calling, music, performances, retreats, vocation, work, writing

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