Finding a Voice
Saturday, May 21, 2005
Off to see the wizard ...
On Monday a friend/colleague & I attended a conference at the University of Saskatchewan: Women in Leadership & Learning. Truthfully, a big reason why I went was curiosity. Except for a 1 month certificate at Vancouver Community College, all of my education so far has been "Christian" (BA, 1.8 Master's degrees). So, I felt a bit intimidated by the "secular" university. Well, this conference was interesting and refreshing. It was also eye-opening: universities are not well-oiled machines, they can be bureaucratic, competitive, sometimes confusing. If we think we have red tape at Briercrest, we don't hold a candle to the university! I heard once that UNI-versity is a misnomer and many institutions of higher learning should be called MULTI-versities.
So, I came back feeling like I had met the Wizard of Oz, only to discover that he wasn't really a wizard at all, just a man with some impressive technology.
I'm off to see the wizard at the University of Toronto this week on Wednesday: I'll meet with two profs at OISE/UT (Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the U of T) about potential Ph.D. studies in history of women in education. Who knows, I may end up doing the Interdisciplinary Ph.D. at the U of Saskatchewan or go through the Canadian Plains Research Centre at the U of Regina, but I'll explore my options. OISE has has appealing courses and interesting, active profs. The correspondence I've had with one so far has been encouraging and refreshing.
So, I came back feeling like I had met the Wizard of Oz, only to discover that he wasn't really a wizard at all, just a man with some impressive technology.
I'm off to see the wizard at the University of Toronto this week on Wednesday: I'll meet with two profs at OISE/UT (Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the U of T) about potential Ph.D. studies in history of women in education. Who knows, I may end up doing the Interdisciplinary Ph.D. at the U of Saskatchewan or go through the Canadian Plains Research Centre at the U of Regina, but I'll explore my options. OISE has has appealing courses and interesting, active profs. The correspondence I've had with one so far has been encouraging and refreshing.
posted by Colleen McCubbin at 7:17 AM

Hello good diva, I figured I would write to let you know that I am well, and that I have read your little spot. When you finish traveling the world and meeting the royalty could you check my post. I miss you and Caronport very much, though I am enjoying my history classes, especially India. Pleasant journey, Joel
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