Finding a Voice
Monday, November 27, 2006
today's "idiot test"
"If I was standing on a street corner with a bottle of colored liquid, and I told you that liquid contained a toxic chemical that caused neurological disorders, Alzheimer's disease and birth defects, would you buy that product from me and scrub it into your scalp under warm water?"
Labels: health and wellness
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
not a mistake
I'm sure I won't hate Blogger Beta. In fact, the dashboard is vastly improved, but the template really burns me. I can comprehend the appeal of one-step publishing, I don't appreciate it ... yet. Not this soon after my little loss.
Labels: blogger beta, updates
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Labels: blogger beta
Sit with me awhile?

I neglected to mention one small detail from Wednesday's travel escapades. At the baggage carousel in Winnipeg I waited and waited for my small, black "rollerboard" suitcase. I had wanted to take it as a carry on, but it was a mere two pounds overweight, so I checked it. I waited and waited in vain in Winnipeg. My sturdy little bag, still en route from Toronto, would arrive on the 12:30 am plane. Why wasn't I on that plane, too? I could have had almost 2 hours more with Lamb and Bonita! Ah well ...
How could I be upset about the suitcase? After such a crazy day, of course my luggage would be delayed! There was nothing to do but visit Shopper's Drug Mart for some toiletries: travel-sized shampoo, conditioner, gel, body wash. Fortunately I had my tooth brush and make-up in my purse, but my tooth paste had been confiscated at security in Saskatoon because it was in a 100 mL container! Never mind that it was less than one-third full. I was unaware of new regulations for liquids and gels (must be in containers that hold less than 100 mL). Really, how much damage can a woman do with Melaleuca tooth paste? Hopefully, Air Canada will reimburse those toiletries (>$20).
I lived, I learned. Had coffee with my cousin Tammy on Friday afternoon in Winnipeg. She's a CGA who travels almost every week. She never checks luggage, and people even make fun of her for it, but I can definitely see her wisdom.
Labels: Air Canada, family, life, travel
Thursday, November 09, 2006
a long shortcut
Everything was incredibly backed up in Saskatoon. As we Air Canada customers waited for our very delayed 12:30 flight, we heard the West Jet attendant announce over the intercom: "You're probably wondering, 'Where's my plane?' Well, I'm wondering the same thing." Unfortunately, it was so stormy in Saskatoon that the airport staff were having trouble keeping the runway cleared off (and the planes de-iced and the baggage loaded), so the Westjet flight was circling and circling. The WJ attendant assured the travellers with connections to Ottawa that Customer Care had decided to hold the plane for them in Toronto. A few minutes later the WJ attendant came on again with not so reassuring news: the plane was running out of fuel and couldn't keep circling, so was flying to EDMONTON to refuel! So much for switching to Westjet!
Good thing I didn't choose the 6:00 connection as my flight didn't leave Saskatoon until about 2:30 or 3:00 and we landed in Toronto around 6:40. That left just half an hour with my friends. Bonita was at the arrivals door to meet me and we immediately went upstairs to the Starbucks near departures to save rushing at the end of our visit. Lamb was nowhere to be seen, so I didn't know if he would be there. My cell phone rang as we were ordering drinks. It was an 888 number -- Lamb's calling card? Sure enough, there was his voice: "Hellooo! Where are you?"
I said, "We're at the Starbucks near the departure gate." Turning around to scan the area I asked, "Where are you?" and immediately saw him on a payphone about 100 feet away. "I see you!" I squealed, shutting off my phone and running to hug him at the same time.
We had only about forty minutes, but it was time in person that we wouldn't otherwise have had. What a gift so spend time with two very dear friends -- all made possible by mishap after mishap on a very long day. I know other travellers will not feel so positive about their delays, and many people are frustrated with both Air Canada and Westjet now, yet I couldn't help wondering what other divine encounters were had like me.
Labels: Air Canada, CACSD, friends, Lamb, travel