Finding a Voice
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
my talented niece

Lori wrote:
Just thought I'd send you a picture of Emma carrying the Swiss flag at the World Cup Women's Downhill. She carried it along with the rest of her teammates during the opening ceremonies and the singing of Oh Canada. It is actually a big honor to be chosen to do this. To add to the excitement, the kids were mentioned by one of the Canadian athletes in the National Post and the Calgary Herald. Canadian Kelly Vanderbeek, who placed third, told the media how she was standing at the start all focused and serious, when she heard about fifteen young ski racers (this was Emma and her team) nearby chanting, Go Kelly Go. She said she just couldn't help it, but to smile and look back at her support crew and say "That's awesome." She told the media that that's why she loves to race in Canada. Keep and eye on Emma, she's a competitor and may have just found her passion.
Labels: family
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Christmas week with the family
The married-with-children siblings will arrive on the 27th and 28th.
My Korean friend, Annie, is also here for the week.
She's a student at Briercrest Seminary, where she's training for missions work.
Full house.
Fun house.
incident reports
So the first 15 minutes of our days are scheduled for stretching (aka TLR = transfer, life, repositioning).* I have had jobs where we started the day with prayer, but not exercise. It's kind of nice.
Three part-time training weeks on the job and I have "accidentally" discovered another fascinating detail -- twice: incident reports.
The first incident report was for a paper cut, when I jokingly exclaimed to the co-worker training me, "Oh no! Call Worker's Comp." She half-smiled and then very seriously said, "Actually, you do have to fill out a form." You have got to be kidding -- a form for a paper cut!?!? Yup. Fill it out, fax it in to the central office, and report it to your supervisor within 24 hours.
The second incident report was for getting a finger caught in a desk drawer. Drama queen that I am, I yelped quite loudly, not expecting anyone to pay attention as I was alone in the office. But my supervisor heard me and leapt from her office to my doorway: "What happened!?" "Oh," I said, "I just caught my finger in this drawer. I don't have to fill out a form, do I?" She kind of chuckled and said, "Yes, you do." Chalk it up to another learning experience. My supervisor and co-workers quipped, "Next time you won't yell so loud." Indeed.
Apparently, in a health care environment, one must take these things seriously. Legend has it that one woman received a paper cut on the job and was hospitalized that weekend with an infection. So I can appreciate the attention to detail -- and I really need to be more careful!
*"The Occupational Health and Safety department provides training on a range of safe practices such as TLR (transfer, lift, repositioning), proper use of equipment and training for managers and supervisors."
Labels: health and wellness, work
"The Messiah Has Come": new Christmas song
Many many years ago (15 or 20?) I wrote a Christmas song, "The Messiah Has Come." Mom loves it and often uses it in Christmas services, so since I was working on it for church last weekend, I sketched it onto WavePad and have posted it on my PureVolume account.
Listen here.
Monday, December 04, 2006
the girls from Spiritwood

I really enjoyed playing the Yamaha P-250 keyboard, rented from Long & McQuade for the weekend.
But wow, was I exhausted! I went in to my new job for an hour this morning to fill out paperwork and kept wanting to write "Caronport" instead of "Spiritwood." Where am I? :)
Labels: life, music, performances
funding big ... companies
My Dad was really interested in the Liberal leadership race, so we watched a few hours of the convention. He was sure that Bob Rae would win, so of course we were surprised at the outcome. I wasn't surprised that Kennedy (the food bank guy) went over to Dion (the sociologist).
Today Dad watched Question Period and came away with this good story:
Jack Layton was inquiring about funding for "the big oil companies" and for "the big ass companies."
Stephen Harper responded, "I'll try to get to the bottom of that."
Layton apologized later.
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Grand Ole Country & a new job
Yesterday I got a job: Relief Scheduler with the Prince Albert Parkland Health Region. As relief work it's very part-time and sporadic, yet will provide at least 2 full-time work weeks for orientation this month at a nice governmental starting wage. Part-time suits me well, since music & writing is what I came here for. With my foot in the door for the health region I'll be able to bid on other jobs that come up.
Part of my orientation will include 1-2 days in Prince Albert with the health region providing a car and paying me 8 hours a day. What a gift: my sister Starla lives in PA and just yesterday was asking if I could come do family Christmas presents with her! So I get to say yes and go with all expenses paid!
This job is an answer to prayer. I've been considering teaching English in Korea. But, the Lord has been speaking to me about that my call is to the nations but English is not the vehicle (for now), that he wants me to concentrate on the music and writing and watch him provide. Well, this week I've been doing a lot of music ... and he's providing, true to his word!
Bev, the woman hiring me, said she's very comfortable with me and that the reference checks (all Briercrest people) are excellent and that they'd love to hire me back. Sigh. Sometimes I long to be doing that work, especially the mentoring of young women. But that will come ...
Labels: calling, jobs, music, performances, vocation
Friday, December 01, 2006
roll call: ten thousand and twenty-fifth visitor
In celebration of passing the ten thousand mark, let's do a roll call: please post a comment telling us what number you are ...
The hit counter is at the bottom left-hand side of the page. It's white on grey, so you'll probably need to highlight it to read it.
Labels: blogging
making millions?
The Opry committee has hired a country group, Dixie Highway, as the house band to play for all the performers. Dixie Highway said they needed a keyboard player, so my mom offered my services and they accepted. I received the CDs and lyric sheets last week, on Wednesday night I practiced with the band in Saskatoon, and on Saturday afternoon we'll put it all together with the performers (individuals & groups). Whirlwind!
Should be a fun weekend -- but a lot of work. Mom, Aunt Linda, Dawn & I are praying that we'll shine like stars in the universe.
You know, lately I've been wondering if I should go teach English in Korea. A person can make millions there. Millions of WON, that is. In fact, I sent away a few resumes, interviewed with a Toronto placement agency, and was offered my pick of jobs.
Yet, every time I pray about my vocation I sense the Lord telling me just to do what he told me -- to sing and write (alongside my Mannatech & Norwex businesses) and watch him provide. I know that my calling is to "sing release to nations," so would going as an English teacher be kind of like Sarah giving Hagar to Abraham to shortcut the process of securing an heir?
Well, the Opry is a paying gig, furthering my professional music career. :) And this week I've had some great and unexpected Norwex and Mannatech activity. The Lord will take care of the money as long as I'm obedient ... Do I really believe that?
My friend Mary reminded me to ask the Lord for wisdom and not to doubt.
James 1:5-8
From The Message: If you don't know what you're doing, pray to the Father. He loves to help. You'll get his help, and won't be condescended to when you ask for it. Ask boldly, believingly, without a second thought. People who "worry their prayers" are like wind-whipped waves. Don't think you're going to get anything from the Master that way, adrift at sea, keeping all your options open.
From the New Living Translation: If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. But when you ask him, be sure that your faith is in God alone. Do not waver, for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind. Such people should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Their loyalty is divided between God and the world, and they are unstable in everything they do.
Labels: calling, family, music, performances, vocation