Finding a Voice
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
tour update #4
Wed, Sept 26, Vancouver, Menno Simons Centre, 4000 West 11th Ave, 8:00 pm
Thu, Sept 27, Vancouver Island, visiting friends
Fri, Sept 28, Courtney, BC, house concert, 7:00 pm, Terri & John Czegledi
Sat, Sept 29, Vancouver, shower for Sherry & baby Josephine
Sun, Sept 30, Vancouver, morning at Faithwerks; evening open
Mon, Oct 1, Vancouver, open
Tue, Oct 2, New Westminster, house concert, Jeff & Shelly (Klassen)
LinkeWed, Oct 3, Aldergrove, BC, house concert, Kathleen McMillan
Thu, Oct 4, Abbotsford, BC, house concert, Dave & Kristi Vegt
Fri, Oct 5, Vernon, visiting
Sat, Oct 6, house concert, Invermere, BC, Amy Hartung
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
tour update #3: sugar, SALTS, coffee
I'll be singing at the Menno Simons Centre on Wednesday evening: 4000 West 11th Ave, Vancouver. It feels a bit like coming home, as I lived there for two years while attending Regent College.
The Vernon benefit concert was lovely. Twenty-two people came, a few of whom had never heard of New Hope before. I donated a door prize from among my fairly traded foods. The man who won chose the combo option of dried fruit & natural cane sugar. Later he told me that his wife (who died 2 years ago) had bought some natural cane sugar, and he had finished the last of it that morning. Wow, that's timing. Isn't it just like God to give those little comforts along the way?
On Sunday morning I sang at Saanich Community Church in the Saanich area of Victoria. Lovely Mennonite Brethren church with rich musical harmony. My host, Kathleen Busch, is their Associate Pastor, so I went along for the church BBQ that afternoon and got to tour the most amazing tree farm you've ever seen: 500 dwarf fruit trees on 1/2 an acre! We sampled delicious apples and plums and witnessed lemons growing in a temperate climate! The lemons will ripen in January, and the farmer's secret to preventing frost kill is old-style Christmas lights! Who knew?
Sunday evening I sang a concert at Kathleen's home. We had no idea how many to expect and ended up with two guests. I'm learning that even one is enough and whoever comes are the right people. House concerts are the perfect venue for me: small, personal, with mutual encouragement and ministry. One of the women last night is a prairie girl by birth. When I sang the first line of "Prairie Soul" she gasped, covered her mouth, and teared up: "I've been away from the prairie for a long time now ..." It was so informal and lovely. They listened to my songs and my sharing, but we also had little (and big) discussions throughout the concert. That's the beauty of the house concert venue. House concerts are a new phenomenon and I'm loving it.
Monday was a day of rest and sight-seeing. Kathleen had the day off, so we toured around, visiting the SALTS shipyard where former Briercrest colleague, Loren Hagerty, is the Executive Director. Loren is fairly new to the world of ocean-going, but not new to the world of educating and leading. His passion for the SALTS mission is very clear and infectious.
As you know, I'm selling fairly traded coffee and fruit at my concerts. In fact, it seems that most places where I stop, even when I'm not singing, people want to buy coffee from me! That helps put gas in my car and every bag of coffee or fruit sold promotes justice in a developing country where people don't have access to the social structures we have like welfare, medicare, and other subsidies.
After SALTS, Kathleen and I visited Level Ground Trading. We were fortunate to arrive during the one hour that Stacy Toews was there this week! He introduced me to the accounts manager who gave us a little tour and made sure our business was straight. It's an honour to be representing Level Ground as I sing release to nations.
I'll be going to chapel at Regent tomorrow morning ... and riding the bus. Call me crazy, but I really miss public transit. I am thankful fro my little, overloaded car and it has brought me many kilometres thus far (but don't ask me how many because I realized in Kelowna that the odometer is broken!). Still, if I could just take the bus, with the occasional car rental or taxi ride, I'd be happy to let someone else drive. :)
Must sleep. You know there will be more later ...
Friday, September 21, 2007
tour update #2
On Wednesday night I stayed with old friends, Kathy & Bruce Wiebe, in Kelowna. Kathy & I met at Briercrest College, enjoyed the tour choir experience together, then shared an apartment (a tiny one) in Fort Langley, BC 1990-91 after I graduated Briercrest and Kathy was finishing her last year at Trinity Western University. Kathy married Bruce in June 1991, had some adventures and three kids, and have settled in the Okanagan on the family farm--a lovely orchard on the side of a mountain. Last year Kathy set up an RV park, so it was fun to tour her facilities and talk to her about becoming a business woman.
Now I'm visiting my friend Liz. We met at Briercrest, where she was a student in the MA in Counseling. Her long-time dream has been to have a grief counseling ministry, and now she's starting to live that dream working with New Hope. I'm putting on a benefit concert for New Hope this evening, so we've been setting up this afternoon. It's time to run some errands, so I'll sign off for now.
Tomorrow I'll travel to Victoria, which means about 7 hours of driving. I'll meet Kathleen Busch at the ferry terminal and won't have to take my own car to the Island, which will save some cash!
I've picked up a couple of shows and changed dates for one or two others, so here's an updated itinerary. Thanks for praying for safety and sanity and divine appointments! Drop me a note if you have time:
Fri, Sept 21, Vernon, BC, 7:30 pm, benefit concert for New Hope, a support organization for helping widows and widowers. (
Sat, Sept 22, travel to Victoria
Sun, Sept 23, a.m., Victoria, BC, Saanich Community Church
eve., Victoria, BC, house concert, sponsor: Kathleen Busch, 7:00 & 8:15
Mon, Sept 24, Victoria, tour Level Ground Trading and SALTS Shipyards
Tue, Sept 25, Vancouver, day, attend Regent College chapel
evening, open
Wed, Sept 26, Vancouver, house concert (unconfirmed)
Thu, Sept 27, BC Lower Mainland, open
Fri, Sept 28, Nanaimo, BC, house concert, 7pm, hosts: Terri & John Czegledi
Sat, Sept 29, Vancouver, openSun, Sept 30, BC Lower Mainland, open
Mon, Oct 1, BC Lower Mainland, open
Tue, Oct 2, New Westminster, Jeff & Shelly (Klassen) Linke
Wed, Oct 3, daytime: visit Trinity Western University
evening: Aldergrove, BC, house concert, Kathleen McMillan
Thu, Oct 4, BC Lower Mainland, open
Fri, Oct 5, BC Interior, open
Sat, Oct 6, Calgary, Thanksgiving
Sun, Oct 7, Calgary, Thanksgiving
Mon, Oct 8, Calgary, open
Tue, Oct 9, morning: fly to Toronto
evening: open
Wed, Oct 10, Greater Toronto Area, open
Thu, Oct 11, CACSD meetings at Redeemer University College in Hamilton, ON
Fri, Oct 12, CACSD meetings at Redeemer University College in Hamilton, ON
Sat, Oct 13, Kitchener, ON, house concert/potluck, Mark & Anna's
Sun, Oct 14, morning, Kitchener, ON, singing in a church (unconfirmed)
Sun, Oct 14, Greater Toronto Area, open
Mon, Oct 15, Greater Toronto Area, open
Tue, Oct 16, Markham/Stouffville, ON, house concert, hostess: DL Sisson
Wed, Oct 17, Greater Toronto Area, open
Thu, Oct 18, fly to Calgary
Fri, Oct 19, Calgary, AB, CHEC meetings
Sat, Oct 20, AB or SK, open
Sun, Oct, 21, AB or SK, open
Labels: music, performances, travel, updates, vocation
Monday, September 17, 2007
tour update
Sunday evening I played an intimate (read small) concert in the living room of Naomi and Andrew Pahl. Naomi and Andrew live in "Little Italy," and in the afternoon took me down the street to the Italian supermarket where we picked up some lovely items for an appetizer feast. Love their three cats.
This afternoon I'll spend more time with Rachel and Nevin, then have supper with her parents. I'm waiting to hear whether they need/want me for open mic night at The Mustard Seed this evening.
My schedule has been updated a bit. Here are the updates as they stand right now:
Thu, Sept 20, BC Interior, open
Fri, Sept 21, Vernon, BC, benefit concert for New Hope, a support organization for helping widows and widowers. (
Sat, Sept 22, travel to Victoria
Sun, Sept 23, morning: Victoria, BC, Saanich Community Church
Sun, Sept 23, evening: Victoria, BC, house concert, sponsor: Kathleen Busch
Mon, Sept 24, Victoria, tour Level Ground Trading and SALTS Shipyards
Tue, Sept 25, BC Lower Mainland, open
Wed, Sept 26, Vancouver, house concert, details TBA
Thu, Sept 27, BC Lower Mainland, open
Fri, Sept 28, Nanaimo, BC, house concert, 7pm, hosts: Terri & John Czegledi
Sat, Sept 29, morning, Regent College celebration, Vancouver,
evening, open
Sun, Sept 30, BC Lower Mainland, open
Mon, Oct 1, BC Lower Mainland, open
Tue, Oct 2, BC Lower Mainland, open
Wed, Oct 3, daytime: visit Trinity Western University
evening: Aldergrove, BC, house concert, host: Kathleen McMillan
Thu, Oct 4, BC Lower Mainland, open
Fri, Oct 5, BC Interior, open
Sat, Oct 6, Calgary, Thanksgiving
Sun, Oct 7, Calgary, Thanksgiving
Mon, Oct 8, Calgary, tentative house concert ...
For Weeks 4 through 6, see the original tour post.
Will update again in a few days! Peace.
Friday, September 14, 2007
going on tour
A dream of mine is about to become a reality. Mid-September I will embark on a "house concert" tour that will bring me into living rooms, churches, coffee shops, and schools (maybe even a mall or two) throughout Western Canada and in the Greater Toronto Area. I even get a jaunt to California, thanks to a promotion at my bank!
The name of my music ministry, SIRETONA, is an acronym for SIng RElease TO NAtions ( My mission statement reads, "I am a poetess -- a listener and a storyteller, using my voice to make a difference around the world."
Starting at home in Canada, I want to bring release to the nations primarily through music that works in two realms: (1) telling stories that give a voice for the voiceless, thus informing and inspiring people to act in ways that make a difference in the world, and (2) to bring spiritual freedom through intercession and prophesy.
My desire and intent are to tell international stories through music, to raise awareness, and to "spur people on to love and good deeds." If you listen to my music on, you will hear "A Voice in Ramah"--a lament for Cambodia that tells about one family's experience during the Pol Pot regime. It is a difficult song to hear, but a crucial message.
I also want to use my musical voice to promote justice and mercy in every way, including consumer practices. Thus, I am privileged to partner with Level Ground Trading ( Along with my CDs I will have Level Ground’s fairly traded coffee, chocolate & fruit as part of my merchandise. In keeping with my vision and message of "releasing the nations," I want to tell the stories of Level Ground, Famicafe, Fruandes Ltda, and more.
Thanks to Level Ground, each host on my tour will be provided with a 300g package of coffee to serve, allowing guests at each concert to experience the aroma and flavour of “fair trade” coffee.
If you would like to attend a concert or consider hosting your own house concert, check out my itinerary below. Open days are marked and I will be plugging in more concerts as I go. I’d love to do a concert for you and your guests.
You can also find my itinerary on these sites:
Periodically I will post updates on these sites (especially here on my blog), but if you prefer email updates, please send a message through my website and I'll put you on an emailing list.
Above all, I treasure your prayers for this tour: that God would be glorified and that I would be attentive to the people and opportunities he places in my path. He has given me songs to sing, stories to tell, and a heart to minister. Pray for the usual things, like safety and provision along the way. And pray for the unexpected things that the Lord might bring to your mind ...
May God bless and keep you in Christ Jesus by His Spirit.
Send-off house concert at home: Thu, Sept 13, Spiritwood, SK, 7:30pm, hosts: Martin & Elizabeth Taylor (aka Mom & Dad)
Sat, Sept 15, Edmonton, house concert (private)
Sun, Sept 16, a.m., Edmonton, lead worship at The Canopy (
Sun, Sept 16, 6:30-9:30pm, house concert, open to public, Andrew and Naomi Pahl
Mon, Sept 17, Edmonton, evening free
Tue, Sept 18, Invermere, BC, visiting a friend
Wed, Sept 19, Kelowna, BC, visiting friends
Thu, Sept 20, BC Interior, open
Fri, Sept 21, Vernon, BC, benefit concert for New Hope, a support organization for helping widows and widowers. (
Sat, Sept 22, BC Lower Mainland, open
Sun, Sept 23, BC Lower Mainland, open
Mon, Sept 24, BC Lower Mainland, open
Tue, Sept 25, BC Lower Mainland, open
Wed, Sept 26, Vancouver, house concert
Thu, Sept 27, BC Lower Mainland, open
Fri, Sept 28, Nanaimo, BC, house concert, 7pm, hosts: Terri & John Czegledi
Sat, Sept 29, Vancouver Island, open
Sun, Sept 30, a.m., Victoria, BC, Saanich Community Church
Sun, Sept 30, p.m., Victoria, BC, house concert, sponsor: Kathleen Busch
Mon, Oct 1, daytime: tour Level Ground Trading and SALTS Shipyards
evening is open
Tue, Oct 2, Vancouver, open
Wed, Oct 3, daytime: visit Trinity Western University
evening: Aldergrove, BC, house concert, host: Kathleen McMillan
Thu, Oct 4, BC Lower Mainland, open
Fri, Oct 5, BC Interior, open
Sat, Oct 6, Calgary, Thanksgiving
Sun, Oct 7, Calgary, Thanksgiving
Mon, Oct 8, Calgary, open
Tue, Oct 9, morning: fly to Toronto
evening: open
Wed, Oct 10, GTA, open
Thu, Oct 11, CACSD meetings at Redeemer University College in Hamilton, ON
Fri, Oct 12, CACSD meetings at Redeemer University College in Hamilton, ON
Sat, Oct 13, Kitchener, ON, open
Sun, Oct 14, morning, Kitchener, ON, singing in a church (unconfirmed)
Sun, Oct 14, Kitchener, ON, house concert, Mark & Anna
Mon, Oct 15, ON, open
Tue, Oct 16, Markham or Stouffville, ON, house concert, hostess: DL Sisson
Wed, Oct 17, GTA, open
Thu, Oct 18, fly to Calgary
Fri, Oct 19, Calgary, AB, CHEC meetings
Sat, Oct 20 through Wed, Oct 31 – to be confirmed. Will include Alberta, central California, Saskatchewan (esp. Caronport)
November and beyond - Saskatchewan, Manitoba, East Coast, the globe ...
Thursday, September 06, 2007
remembering Liza Shum

We are saddened to notify you that Liza, beloved wife of Patrick and mother of Samantha, has passed away on August 27, 2007 (Monday). Throughout her courageous battle with cancer, Liza was lovingly cared for and supported by many friends, former colleagues and relatives.
I cannot attend the funeral next Thursday nor the farewell service next Friday, but I can contribute to the memorial book. Here's my story:
I met Liza in Caronport, Saskatchewan, Canada in the late 1980s. She was in high school and I was in Bible college, but she was around my age. It's funny to remember how she lied about her age at first. She was enrolled in the high school because of her English and was much older than the other students. but we were living in the same dormitory. I had always been interested in China, so I made a point of getting to know her. We became good friends.
Liza spent her first Canadian Christmas with my family. She had never been around cats before, and when she heard our cat purring, she said, "I think he's angry!" During the Christmas vacation, my parents attended a funeral. We learned that Liza had wanted to go but was too shy to ask, which led to a conversation about death and dying and faith. Liza wasn't a Christian at this point. In fact, she didn't seem very interested and used to hide in her closet during chapel time at Caronport because she didn't understand it and she wanted more time to study.
In second semester, Liza was required to take the "Christian Ethics" course. One assignment was to take notes during the Spring Bible Conference. Because she was still learning English, we would both take notes, then I would give her mine so she could see what she missed. During one service we weren't sitting together because she had completed the assignment. Not taking notes, she was able to listen differently, and suddenly she understood the good news of Jesus Christ. Afterwards, a friend came running to find me, shouting, "Liza became a Christian! Liza became a Christian!"
Liza graduated from Caronport High School with my brother Jeffrey and participated in other celebrations with my family like my sister's wedding. She became very dear to all of us while she lived in Canada. After high school she moved to Regina to study in the university there. I remember visiting and eating congee with Liza and her roommates. She got her driver's license in Regina and had some trouble learning to drive on snow and ice, with at least one car accident!
After Liza moved back to Hong Kong, we stayed in touch through email. I remember the wonderful news that she would marry Patrick, a Christian man who also had lived internationally. It was such a joy for me to know that Lisa's faith continued to grow. Of course it was double joy to learn the Liza and Patrick had become parents to darling Samantha.
The last time I saw Liza was June 1998 when I visited another friend in Hong Kong. It was delightful to meet Patrick and Samantha and their nanny, to see their home, to spend a day with Liza and Patrick hiking at Shek O. Also, Liza was a very good driver by that time! Since then, we have only exchanged a few emails, but it was always good to say in touch.
if you feel you need more confidence, try this:
I have yet to try this exercise, but I will. Wanted to share it with my readers before closing the original window.
Take a piece of paper.
Create four columns, numbered 1-4.
In the second column, write down three to five skills or disciplines you are confident you do well.
In the third column, write down three to five areas where you don't feel confident, and you wish you did because it relates to your passion for excellence in what you do.
In the fourth column, beside each of those areas in column No. 3, write down the name of someone who you believe has mastered this skill or discipline.
Next, contact them and ask for their advice and assistance in learning to do what they do well.
Now, go back to column No. 1 and write down the names of people who you identify as needing to strengthen the skills or disciplines that you do well. Go to them and encourage them with the wisdom of your knowledge and experience.
Confidence comes, as Alfred White told me, from "passion, self-pride, and responsibility."
from "Alfred White on self-confidence, servant leadership, and passion in life" by Ed Brenegar, originally posted here.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
you can read it now ...